Monday, April 25, 2005

Real Time

If you don't watch Real Time with Bill Maher (and you receive HBO), then you really should. I recommend it only slightly behind The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which stands as the most brilliant commentary on news (and fake news) on any cable channel.

Interesting quote from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

"All the things that we need to do to solve global warming are things that we ought to be doing for our economy and to assure our prosperity anyway. If we raise fuel-efficiency standards by one mile per gallon, we can yield more oil...twice the amount of oil that's in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. If we raise fuel-economy standards by 5.6 or 7.6 miles per gallon, we can end our Persian Gulf imports into this country. We would be able to end our dependence on foreign dictators who hate democracy, who are despised by their own people."

In other news, SUV sales are declining, possibly in reaction to gasoline prices hitting $2.55/gallon. But hybrid sales are up 81%.


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