Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Finally the Dems speak out

Today seems to be the day that Democratic Senators are voicing their opinions about the Downing Street "Smoking Gun" Memo that proved, basically, that our President lied to Congress, the American people, and the world, about why we needed to go to war in Iraq. Oh, for a return to the days of a Special Prosecutor. I never thought I'd miss that.

We know the Administration had been planning to invade Iraq for many months before the invasion actually began. We know the Administration twisted the intelligence to make the facts fit their plan. We know that the Administration never really intended to give the U.N. weapons inspectors a reasonable chance to succeed. The Downing Street Minutes demonstrate that the Administration knew their case for war was paper thin, and that in order to go into war with the support of our allies, we had to demonstrate some willingness to go along with the UN inspection process. But the Administration continued to misuse its intelligence, distort the facts and pay only lip-service to the UN’s role in disarming Iraq.

You know, legend has it that when a Roman Emperor was crowned, he would ride a golden chariot through throngs of people who would shower him with flowers. There stood next to him one person who was appointed to whisper in his ear, "Remember, you are only human." Our American Emperor has no such admonishments. For the sake of democracy, or checks and balances, or whatever you want to call it, he desperately needs one.


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