Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Oceanside Councilman criticized for comment

Cletus the slack-jawed Councilman strikes again. Jack Feller, well known for his mouth that gets him into trouble, has struck again. This time for restricting his hiring practices to Conservative Christians. News flash, Jack: that's illegal. So of course Feller backpedaled as soon as humanly possible, saying only that he wanted someone who shared his "conservative values", because, "I would not pick a left-wing liberal to work with me because it's a different philosophy. It means bigger government and I'm for smaller government."

Jack, seeing as how you're in government, aren't you part of the problem, rather than the solution? The Oceanside city council could easily do with one less member.


At 8:44 PM, Blogger macromayhem said...

I was amazed by the quote. "I would not pick a left-wing liberal to work with me because it's a different philosophy," Feller said. "It means bigger government and I'm for smaller government."

How about hiring one less person. There. Smaller government.


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