Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Raw Story | Exclusive: Citizens Request Recount in San Diego Mayoral Race

The Raw Story | Exclusive: Citizens Request Recount in San Diego Mayoral Race

Did Donna Frye have the Mayorship stolen from her in a rigged election?

No, I'm not talking about November 2004, when we know she had the Mayorship stolen from her due to some shady ballot-counting practices. I'm talking about the recent runoff election, when Donna Frye allegedly got 45% of the vote in an election she needed to reach 50% on to win outright.

Did Diebold equipment used in the election shift at least 4% of the vote away from Frye, giving her votes to Jerry Sanders and Steve Francis? According to a "parallel election" exit poll taken by Citizens Audit Parallel Election, Donna Frye should have received 50.2% of the vote, yet there was a consistent 4% deviation over 11 precincts.

The odds of such a consistent deviation taking place? One in 1,300, also known as .000678. It sounds like Registrar Mikel Haas has some 'splainin to do.


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