My, my, my.
Did you ever have one of those days where there was just so much to do that you ended up spending it in kind of a paralysis, unsure of where exactly to begin? Then you can imagine my past week.
I'm not sure exactly what sent me over the tipping point, perhaps it was the news that the Army Corps of Engineers of New Orleans had been unable to complete much of the retrofitting to the levees responsible for keeping New Orleans dry because of a $71.2 million cut in their budget by the Bush administration. Or perhaps it was the fact that 35% of Louisiana's National Guard is currently in Iraq, making it impossible for these volunteers, trained in Hurricane Disaster recovery, to assist in the aftermath. Maybe it's the fact that the new CAFE standards released by the Bush administration just add to our problems of fuel shortages and global warming, to the benefit of big business. Maybe it's the fact that the best response Bush could summon up, his best attempt at empathy, was during his "fly over" of New Orleans on his way back to the White House (cutting his vacation short by a day), when he said "It's devastating. It's got to be doubly devastating on the ground."
Oh really.
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